Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Just Do It" Pt.II

I want to continue to encourage you with this simple message; what ever it is that you have found that you must do, JUST DO IT! With this subsequent piece, I want to emphasize that success is waiting for you to act. What ever you need, the answers you are praying for are all accessed once you proceed to do what you are supposed to do. I want to be clear that this is not just an idea, but also a bible principal.

Look at John 2:1-10. This is the first miracle of Jesus’ ministry, turning water into wine. Mary, mother of Jesus, had been invited to a wedding. Jesus and his brethren were also invited. The situation arose where the wine had run out. This was more than merely embarrassing. At a wedding, this was an all-out disaster. No-doubt the entire party would soon be aware that the wine had run out. Wine is a symbol of fellowship; maybe guest would consider this a sign that the marriage was doomed? Maybe the governor of the feast would declare the couple should not be joined at all? Though not life threatening, the situation couldn’t be more dreadful.

At the site of this terrible situation, Mary did two actions:

First, she petitioned Jesus to help them avoid the awful situation that was developing. She could easily have been the only one who truly knew Jesus as the Messiah at the time knowing in her heart the miracle of his birth and having had the conversation with the angel so many years before. Surprisingly, Jesus declined to help stating that her petition was too early; it was not yet his time.

Mary’s second action, I believe is the reason the Jesus' disciple John recorded this event in his writings. She gave the servants critical information that ultimately caused this miracle. She told them the thing that would please Jesus and motivate him to perform the miracle they needed. Her words according to John were, “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it”. What powerful words! What ever He says do, just do it! Even at times when a miracle would be untimely, we have the power to motivate God to move. The power is in our obedience. If we would become willing to obey, Jesus is willing to perform.

We know by the results that they submitted themselves to Jesus. But we also know that their obedience was tested. Notice, Jesus didn’t tell them the results they would see, he only instructed them to fill pots with water and serve it to the governor of the feast. Can you imagine what might have gone through their minds as they walked towards the governor with these pots full of water? The embarrassment they might have feared to be serving water at a wedding? But, they had enough respect for Mary to govern themselves by what she told them and obey the words of her son Jesus (who was not yet called the Christ of Nazareth).  And at some point from the time they filled up the pots to the time when the water hit the governors lips, it became wine,... and it was the best wine he had tasted all night. If they had never listened to Mary; if they had never carried the water to the governor; if they had never done what Jesus said there would not have been a miracle that night.

What has God instructed you to do? If your thinking, “I haven’t heard God say anything” I'm sorry, but you are mistaken. We have 66 books recorded of what God has said to you. The reason you haven’t heard him say anything new may be because you have yet to abide by what he has already said. So what has God said to you? waht are God's instructions. What ever He says do, DO IT! Again, God will help you as you go, not while your stopped. JUST DO IT! GO! DO IT and you will find that every thing you need to accomplish what He said has been right there layed on the road for you to discover and enjoy along your way.

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