Gal. 6:8 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
What have you stopped doing? You began a work for the lord, you began to press toward the mark, you claimed victory in Jesus… why did you stop? Why is it that when we get a word from the Lord we run and tell the world what we’re going to do at first, but when you see us a year later we’ve decided that it wasn’t for us. Did God change his mind? Is that the kind of God we serve, one who is still deciding what his good and perfect will for us is? I thought God predestinated us all for His will before the foundation of this world? (Ephesians 1:4-5)
What is it that you were doing which got you to where you are but you aren’t doing any more? You made a sacrifice and began to see results, but now, the sacrifice is just a distant memory and your back to business as usual. When you made the sacrifice, you had to believe with all your heart that you would reap. You got on your knees and gave it up to GOD, you had no choice, you had no other help, nowhere else to turn. Remember when it seemed like nobody believed your season was coming but you. Why did you stop? If what you did got you to a new level, what would happen if you did it again? And again? And again? What if the sacrifice was no longer a decision, but instead, a part of your life?
What died you give at that you were once making great progress? You called yourself “running for the prize”. But then the run declined to a walk. The walk became a slow crawl, and now its at a dead stop. What now? Will you continue at a stand still and just let that past momentum be the testimony you carry to your grave, “God gave me the strength to run on…back then... I would still be running but…(insert the reason you quit here)”.
Are you afraid to start again; are you too proud to admit you need to start all over? Are you embarrassed? Maybe the second time will lead you to the place you couldn’t reach the first time. Maybe this is God’s design; that you go back to the beginning, back to start, back to “jump”. Maybe God’s will is for you to go back 3 or 4 times until your fear of failure doesn’t get in the way ever again. Could God’s plans be better then your plans of profuse success on the first try? Possibly? Maybe we all should be praying that song “Take me back, to the place where I first believed you…”
What is it that you stopped doing? What ever it is, FIND IT AND JUST DO IT! It may have been months since you even thought on it. 5 years may have passed; 25 years may have passed. But if you ever believed that it is in Gods will for your life, then just do it. God has not changed. The bible says God will never repent of a calling. If He called you last year, then He called you this year and He’ll still be calling you next year. Just do it. God will help you, as you go, not while your stopped. And if you don’t know all of what you should do, just do what you know. When its time to know more you will know more. Maybe you can’t handle knowing what the rest of the plan involves yet; or maybe there is no more. Either way, just do it.
In the case where there is no more to do, just keep doing what you were doing before until your next assignment arrives. And if God never gives you anything new to do, just keep doing what ever He said to do last. Every Christian should be found working diligently on the last word you heard from the lord until you receive a new word or until he comes again; which ever happens first. Jesus said that the harvest is always plentiful, but it’s the laborers that are few. Be a laborer; Just do it..
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