Friday, October 2, 2009


RAIN, for most people is dreadful

A single day of rain ruins special occasions; wrecks favorite outfits and destroys brand new hair styles all in the blink of an eye. Rain ruin’s a lot of things, not to mention, it can cause great devastation if it ever comes in abundance. Furthermore, rain has the ability to dampen more than just cloths and hair do’s; it dampens spirits. Rain is dark and gloomy. It’s more than just annoying; it’s down right depressing carrying connotations of misery and suffering. It can make people angry, irritated, and frustrated. During a time of rain, you instinctively protect yourself; you shelter in. While it’s raining sidewalks are clear. The playgrounds, parks and many parking lots are empty; everyone that can get inside is inside.

But when the clouds break and the brilliant rays of a glorious Sun peak their warming arms through the gloom, everything suddenly looks and feels better. At the first glimpse of that magnificent Sun, especially after a long rain, you somehow know that the worst is over. And when the Sun burns off the last of those murky clouds and finally shines its dazzling face on a battered earth, a new day is revealed. The ground even smells new. You’re able to walk out into the fresh ambiance of a renewed day beneath a clear bright sky. You can’t help but look towards heaven and just be thankful that the Sun has returned.

Described above is the very essence of CHANGE. Every creation under heaven will experience CHANGE. At first you have a sunny day; which denotes consistency, uniformity and happiness. Then, at some point, clouds begin to form in your life, which represent alteration and transition. Clouds thicken to the point where they cover the Sun which marks the beginning of transformation. Then darkness resides which signifies fear of the unknown. And finally, RAIN. Rain is CHANGE.

Critics agree that CHANGE is good in the same way that rain is good. I mean, things can not remain the same way forever. A human being begins life as a fetus and ends it as a 90+ year old senior citizen; that in and of itself means CHANGE. Attitudes CHANGE. Styles CHANGE. People CHANGE. This country is in the middle of a CHANGE. When your hair becomes monotonous, the first thing you do is make a CHANGE. When you get tired of the way your house looks on the inside or the out, you make a CHANGE. If you want to get more out of life, it’s a guarantee that you will have to take a close look at who you are and what it is that you do, then make a serious CHANGE.

And you will CHANGE whether you like it or not. But, here’s the thing about CHANGE.

It’s hard to CHANGE because change is not just the passing of time. Change is a process. Sometimes it’s a short and pleasant process which happens overnight without even your realizing. But more often than not, it’s a hard, agonizing, stressful, painful process that literally seems to take forever.

It’s hard to CHANGE because most of the things that change are things that have been a certain way for the majority of your life. It’s hard to stop eating fatty food when you‘ve been eating that way since High School. It’s hard to stop cussing when you’ve been cussing since you were five. It’s hard to quite smoking when even watching TV makes you want a cigarette. It’s hard to think positively when everyone you’ve ever known thought negatively and taught you to think negatively and when you did finally think positively it ended up hurting you.

It’s hard to CHANGE because even at times when the change is for the best it’s still a long hard process. Just ask the caterpillar. Ask him while he’s in that cocoon experiencing his own death and simultaneous birth in order to emerge as a butterfly if the thought of fluttering through the air from flower to flower eases the pain of what ever is happening in that dark, isolated enclosure. Maybe for a caterpillar, it does; but for the psyche of a human, the fact that you will benefit at the end of a change is not much consolation during the change.

CHANGE, for most people is dreadful.

But, what you’ve got to remember during your change is that the Sun has not left. The Sun was in the sky before the rain and it will return after the rain. Meaning, the level of happiness and contentment you once enjoyed still exists; it’s just covered by the pain and frustration of that long, tedious changing process. You may find yourself at the point where you can’t see yourself ever being happy again because of the changes you’re experiencing. But remember; the only thing that will really remain consistent is God Himself. God will not change; everything else will. And the changes you experience are merely the tool that God is using to fix your atmosphere. Soon you’ll emerge and enjoy a fresh, new day.

The presence of change in your life is not a warning that you are bad or that you’re doing something wrong. In fact, its’ the opposite. Change is, by definition, your assurance that things will not remain as they have been. Rainy, gloomy, stressful, depressing days will subside. Sunny, bright and consistently happier situations will return.

I believe that the worst is already over for you. I'm praying that you receive your new day today where the battering rain of change stops and God finally wraps his warming arms around you to dry you completely of all the darkness and gloom. And when the last of your dark clouds burns off and the dazzling light of your new day is revealed, you are able to walk out on new ground into the fresh aroma of your new Spring day with the Sun on glowing on your face beneath a clear bright sky. You'll have no choice but to just rejoice and thank God that you made it through the storm and that your Sun has returned.

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