Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Desires Of Your Heart

Think about that long list of both material and spiritual possessions that you are depending on God to bring to pass which have not materialized in your life. Dwell on them too long and I guarantee you will be tempted with ideas of how to get these things some other way... 

Most likely, you already know how easy it is to obtain things quickly by participating in activities that many would consider wrong, even illegal. You already know things that are dishonest to do, but would no doubt result in you acquiring what you desire. You have seen the possessions that would somehow make your life complete lay at your finger tips waiting for you to take the bait and do just a few things that are questionable in your best judgment.

The argument you may subject yourself to might be that these things are in God's will for your life, therefore you are within your right to acquire them by any means. I mean, you've been waiting for these things a long time, so maybe God wants you to be just a little aggressive, even a little dishonest to acquire them. Some of these things may be helpful to your family or to your church work therefore you feel the ends justify the means. It's a tough dispute when it's not just your hearts desires that's in question... but your means of acquiring them as well.

You must remember that what you are feeling is the way Satan operates. The devil will always suggest an easy way to get whatever you are waiting on God to provide. That's the definition of temptation: to lure you away from God with another attractive option. Satan is trying to interrupt Gods program by tempting you to take an easy way out instead of depending on God to provide.

When Jesus was tempted in Matthew 4:1-10, Satan's method was to present alternatives, seemingly easier ways to accomplish what Jesus was there to accomplish. When Jesus fasted, the devil's temptation was "turn the stone to bread". A carnal man would have argued in his mind "well,... it is my fathers will that I do miracles so forget the fast, lets eat..." Instead, Jesus recognized Satan for the tempter, the cheater and the liar that he is.

In the last of the three temptations, the devil offered to turn over all the kingdoms of the world, which at that very moment Jesus was in line for torture and suffering to redeem mankind and return these Kingdoms of the world to God the Father. He tempted our savior to avoid the beating, avoid the suffering, skip the crucifixion, just bow down and Satan would supposedly "hand over" the world. He offered the ultimate "easy way" in exchange for the ultimate submission. Jesus knew, and we must know that the devil is a liar; he's the father of lies. Bowing down to him may look like an easy way to get what you want, but it is destruction in disguise and will cost you everything! There is no profit to gain the whole world but lose your soul!

Like Jesus, you must understand the difference between permanent and temporary riches. Permanent riches are lasting here on earth and in heaven. Temporary riches exist just for a while, and then will self-destruct.
Psalms 37:1-2 explains the two:
"Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb"
This passage lists the fate of people operating dishonestly, "... they shall SOON be cut down like grass". 

Grass is allowed to grow for a period of time. But, once it reaches a certain length, it becomes obvious to everyone who sees it that it will soon be cut down to a smaller size. The same is true with people operating in evil. Evil will bring along an increase for a while, but the increase is temporary. If you ever see a person operating illegally or dishonestly who has climbed to high heights; i.e. money, cars, houses; the moment you see them you should know that the time is near when they will be cut down to nothing... or God is a liar and satan's word is true. Just check on them in five years... in fact, maybe just one year. They will cry and wonder why it is happening, but the bible predicted it would. God proves His Word is TRUE over and over again. Eventually, their increase will be taken away.

Not only that, the cutting of grass is a very violent action. If you've ever cut grass you know it takes a lot of energy, but any tool you use is usually effective and it is always a very unpleasant experience for the grass. There is loud, disturbing noises whether it's the high-pitched slicing sound of shears or the loud pounding sound of a motor. The long severed strands of grass left behind, once green and impressive now dead and shriveled, will lie on the ground uselessly ready to be collected and burned.

But, as the passage goes on to say, those that continue to wait on the Lord and do good shall be "fed".
"Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart... Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass"
In other words, those trusting God will not have to do questionable things striving to acquire things they want. God will feed them and give them the desires of their heart. The 23rd Psalms says everyone who makes the Lord their Shepard shall not want because their wants will be satisfied.

There is only one road to permanent riches, only one way that is right. It's referred to as the "narrow way

"...Straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to life... and few are they who find it"  Matthew 7:14 

Commit yourself to God's ways. Make God's method of operation your only method. Make God's process your only option to acquire all that you ever hoped for. Make the Lord your only source for the desires of your heart and have no other alternative! And God's promise is that He shall bring it to pass!