Monday, August 8, 2011

You Are In Position

sleeper cell: n. refers to a grouping of agents that belong to a network or organization. The cell "sleeps" (lies dormant) inside a target population until it receives orders or decides to act.

If you are a believer in Christ, chances are you have something on your heart that you feel God wants you to do. For some, it’s subtle; just a quiet sense of encouragement to do certain things on God’s behalf. For others, it’s far more than a simple feeling; it’s an urgent beckoning; a pressing call to follow a specific instruction or complete a group of instructions to accomplish something substantial for the Kingdom of God. In either case, this thing placed on your heart burns inside of you and you absolutely must get it done. Many Christians are so serious about their "charge" that they would go so far as to say accomplishing this thing is in fact the reason God placed them on earth.

The problem is, most who have something on their heart which they feel they must do also face obstacles which keep them from accomplishing the work they've been given. In other words, most Christians have the “WHO”, the “WHAT”, the “WHEN”, and the “WHERE” but are usually lacking the “HOW”. It’s like being stuck behind a 20-foot brick wall. On the other side of the wall is your destiny; the place where God is calling you to go. But you don't have a clue how to get to the other side. The wall seems completely insurmountable from all angles. After years of facing this wall, you might find yourself so frustrated that you may decide to just walk away.

But, what I want to tell you today is this: You are not stuck behind that wall;


There is a serious difference between being “stuck” and being “in position”. “Stuck” denotes an unintensional place from which you can’t escape. You get stuck in mud. You get stuck in snow. You get stuck in traffic. "Stuck" means you are trapped and the only options are to A). Keep trying, or B). Stop trying. And that’s the devils goal. He wants you to feel so stuck that you eventually choose "B" and simply walk away.

Being “in position”, on the other hand, indicates that you are "Ready". "Ready" means you anticipate a point where you will be able to take action. It means that although you can't see a way to accomplish what God has placed on your heart to accomplish, you are still ready and willing to do it. You may not have all the resources you need, but you are ready. You may not have the power to get past your barrier, but you are ready. Being ready means you are in the place where you're supposed to be and you will absolutely stay there; not by force, by choice. "Ready" means YOU ARE IN POSITION!

Remaining in a state of readiness IS your position. Your potential to move forward at any time is what God is counting on. You see, God hasn’t allowed you to be where you are by accident or by coincident. God is not a coincidental God; He is a strategic God and He is a purposeful God. He knows exactly where you are and He knows exactly what obsticalse you face. God has hidden you in the place where you are in the same way that a farmer hides his seed in the ground. The seed is hidden so that it is not eaten by animals or destroyed by the sun. The seed is hidden so that it can find nurishment. And just like a seed, you are hidden in a place where you can be protected. You have enemies who don't know what you will soon become. They see the barrier, but don't see the greater "you" hidden behind it. If the world knew what God has invested in you, they would immediately attack. But your God knows exactly where He placed you. God expects you to grow roots and be nurished in this place. When the time comes, God will remove the wall allowing you to emerge from that place, stretch your arms towards the sky and be fruitful.

And God has an unlimited number of options at his disposal to remove any barrier. He can send you over; he can tunnel you under; he can send you around; he can make the barrier crumble before your eyes; or He can give you the power to bust through to the other side. The advantage you have is that the years you've spent behind that barrier have strengthened you. You've been held back for so long that now your desire to perform this great work for the Kingdom of God has reached the point of near desperation. Which means if God were to put so much as a crack in the barrier, you will not hesitate to move. And it means the moment God removes your barrier completley, you're driving forward full-steam ahead with everything that is in you.

You are like a “sleeper cell”. You’re a soldier who is hidden deep in the enemies territory. You're parked in your position with the engine on and artillery drawn just waiting for the call to action. You've lived for years as an "ordinary citizen" but the moment you get the word, you will not hesitate to make your move. And when you emerge from your hidden location, the enemy will have no idea where you came from or what you are capabile of.

Don’t consider yourself stuck ever again. You may not have the power to get over your barrier, but you are not “stuck”. You may not know how you are going to do what's on your heart to do, but you are not stuck. You are hidden in position waiting for God to send his WORD and remove your barriers which will reveal to the world the investment that He’s made in you. God has been cultivating you for years for the work that you will do. Stay ready and willing for your call to action. And until then, don’t’ give up your postiion. Make the decision today that you will not walk away from your post. Keep training for the job even though you don't have it yet. Keep preparing for the speech even though it seems now there will be no one to listen. Keep singing into that mic which doesn't yet exsist... because soon... it will. Soon there will be nothing to stop you which is your activation call and it is then that you will be glad you held your position because you will already be strong enough to Move.