Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Your Station

Your station is an allegory for your currant place in life. The place that you are in now is a point you have to travel through to get to where you are ultimately going. You may spend a lot of time at one station. But, good or bad, your station is temporary. Don’t hold onto the place that you’re at because you’ve gotten comfortable. God has to move you through temporary stations on your journey to the permanent. Some one may push you out of a place, but it just might be God pushing you to another place.

Your station is where God will meet you. At your station is where your blessing is. God is everywhere, but He’s not going to help you everywhere. You have to be at your station to meet up with God. Your blessing is at the place where God is. Look at the Samarian woman at the well in John 4:7-29. She came to Jacob’s well for a cool drink of water. Instead she met Jesus Christ and He changed her life. She did not anticipate that place to be her station. She only expected to go there for a moment then return to her life, which was in shambles. Little did she know Jesus was going to recruit her that day and send her yelling through the city “Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?” John 4:29. She did not know how important it was that she arrive at the well that day. The fact is she wasn’t going to meet up with Jesus any place other then sitting on that well waiting for her. You can guarantee Jesus will show up at your station, but will you?

Whenever you first visit a station that you’re unfamiliar with, it presents pressure to you. It’s like when a man goes deep sea diving. There is more pressure to cope with there under water because it is a place different from what he’s used to on land. The same is true in space travel. Every station presents a new level of pressure that is higher then what is experienced normally.

So, what do you do when you find yourself at a station where there is a lot of pressure? What do you do when the pressure keeps building?

You have to determine if you will allow yourself to be crushed at this station. The world will apply pressure. And the higher you go in this world, the greater the pressure. But God is strategically in place at your station to help you fight the pressure. If you can make progress in faith believing Gods promises then you will be met with more power from the inside to counter the opposing forces against you on the outside.

In other words, just like in deep sea diving or space travel, we prepare for the new levels of pressure by getting clothed in a suit that will keep the pressure in our bodies higher then the pressure from outside forces. That suit is the living word of God. In John 17:9-26 Jesus prayed that we would not be crushed at any station. Jesus prayed that God keep the evils of this world from crushing us. We will never be presented with a level of pressure higher then what we can counter. To overcome apposing forces is the definition of a conqueror. The word of God says that we are more than conquerors through him that loves us. This means the most difficult station is really just an opportunity for God to prove his word is true.

When the pressure at your station builds, don’t allow yourself to be crushed. Instead realize that you are full of God's greatness and He that is in you is greater then the pressure that is in the world. Seek pressure relief from the Word of God and you’ll find yourself moving to the next station in no time.

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