What have you stopped doing?
Why is it that when many Christians get a Word from the Lord, they run and tell the world what they're going to do... at first. But then when you see those Christians years later, somehow they've decided that what they thought they heard from God just wasn't Him... or perhaps wasn't for them?
Is it because God changed His mind? Is that the kind of God we serve... one who is still deciding what His will is for us? I thought God predestined us for the good pleasure of His will before the foundation of this world? (Ephesians 1:4-5)
What have you stopped doing? What is it that you were making progress with that you gave up on? Years ago you were "running for Jesus"... but now, that run has declined to a walk... then a slow crawl... then perhaps a dead stop. Now what? Will you continue at a stand still and just let that past momentum be the testimony you carry to your grave, "God gave me the strength to run on... I would still be running but... (insert reason)".
What is it that you focused on in the past which got you to where you are today, but you aren't focused on any more? What sacrifices did you make in your lifestyle years ago that produced the results which you now enjoy... that are just a distant memory today... ever since you went back to "business as usual"?
When you made those sacrifices years ago, whether for spiritual or practical purposes, you had to believe with all your heart that you would reap. You actually trusted GOD... you had no choice... you had no other help... nowhere else to turn. I know you remember... back when it seemed like nobody believed your breakthrough was coming but you! So... why did you stop?
Forget the question "why"... the real question I want to ask is, are you afraid to try it again? Are you too proud to start all over? Are you embarrassed? Are you "pouting" at God because it didn't work the first time? Maybe the second time will lead you to the place you couldn't reach the first time? Or perhaps God's design is that you go back to the beginning 3, 4, 5 or 6 more times so that your fear of failure doesn't get in the way later? Could God's plan possibly be better then your plan of profuse success on the first try? Possibly?
Here's my point. If what you did years ago got you to a new season in your life where you began to walk closer with God in a way you never had before... what would happen if you did it again? And again? In fact, what if the sacrifices you used to make in your lifestyle were so set in your behavior that they were no longer a decision... but a new way of life?
Whatever you have stopped doing that you know God wants you to do, go back and DO IT AGAIN! It may have been months since you even thought about it. Maybe a whole year has passed; perhaps years have passed... but if you ever believed that you heard from God and know what His will is for your life... DO IT AGAIN!
The bible says in the book of Galatians,
"Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not... " Gal. 6:8
God will never "repent" of a calling (Romans 11:29). If He called you last year, He is calling you this year. So, just DO IT AGAIN! God will help you. His help will come as you go... not while your stopped! Don't get weary because the season you've been waiting for isn't hear yet. A season IS coming where you will see the results of whatever it is that God has asked you to do.
And if you don't know all of what God is asking you to do, just do what you know! God will tell you more about what He is doing in your life in this season when it is time for you to know more. Maybe you can't handle the rest of what God wants you to know yet; or maybe there is no more.
And if there is no more, just DO AGAIN whatever God said last. Every Christian should be found working diligently on the last word you heard from the Lord until you receive a new word or He comes again... or you die; which ever happens first. Jesus said there is no shortage of "harvest time" in God's plan. But it's the laborers who are in short supply (Matthew 9:37).
I want to emphasize one more thing... Your blessing is waiting for you to be obedient to whatever God has said. Whatever you need from the Lord, the answer to your praying, your provision... it's all contained in your response to whatever God tells you to do. I want to be clear that this is not just an idea, but also a bible principal.
Look at the first miracle of Jesus' ministry in John Chpt 2.
In this story, Mary, the mother of Jesus, had been invited to a wedding. Jesus and his "crew" were invited also. According to the story, a situation arose where the wine had run out. Running out of wine during a wedding feast was far more than just a mere embarrassment.
It would actually be OK to run out of wine at today's wedding ceremonies; if they served wine at all. However, in 1st century Israelite culture, wine was the symbol of fellowship and communion. In fact, in that culture, there is no fellowship without the physical breaking of bread and the sharing of wine. A shortage of wine during a wedding feast was an all-out disaster.
Perhaps the parents of the couple would blame each other for the shortage of wine and cause a rift in the family right at the beginning of the union. Maybe guest would consider the shortage of wine a sign that the marriage should not have taken place. Maybe the governor of the feast would declare the couple not to be joined at all because of the omen. Though not life threatening, the situation couldn't be more dreadful for these newly weds who, apparently, didn't even know there was a conflict threatening their marriage.
At the site of this terrible situation, Jesus' mother Mary did two actions: First, she petitioned Jesus to help them avoid the awful situation that was quickly developing. Soon, the entire festival would be aware that the wine had run out. Mary was the only one who TRULY knew Jesus as the Messiah at that time. She knew because of her conversation with the angel Gabriel. She knew because of the miracle of his birth so many years before. So, first, she petitioned Jesus... and surprisingly, Jesus declined to answer claiming it was not yet his time for miracles.
I believe Mary's second action is the reason that the disciple John recorded this event in his writings. Mary gave the workers of the marriage festival a critical piece of information which ultimately led to this miracle. She told them "OBEY JESUS!" Her exact words, according to the Gospel of John were,
"Whatsoever he saith unto you, DO IT!" John 2:5
Mary, not yet knowing whether Jesus would respond to her or not, told the workers to do whatever Jesus instructed them to do... and then she seemed to leave the issue to be handled between the servants and her son.
Whatever He says do, DO IT! Even at a time when a miracle would seem untimely... DO IT! We have the power to motivate God to "move" by offering Him our obedience! If we would just become willing to obey! If we would just become willing to serve! If we would just decide that we will submit to His instruction no matter the cost... God will perform!
According to the scripture, the servants submitted themselves to Jesus. However, we also know by the scripture that their obedience was tested.
Notice in the text, Jesus told the servants to fill pots with water and serve the water to the governor of the feast; but he didn't tell them the results they would soon see (John 2:7-8). Can you imagine what might have gone through the server's minds as they walked towards the governor with these pots full of water? Can you imagine the embarrassment they might have feared facing to be serving water at a wedding festival?
But, as they went, at some point between the time they filled the pots and the time when the water hit the governors lips, it became wine! And, according to the governor, it was the best wine he had tasted all night (John 2:10)! My point is, if they had never done what Jesus said and carried the water to the governor, there would not have been a miracle that night!
What has God instructed you to do that you aren't doing any more? If God called you last year, He is calling you this year... and He'll still be calling you next year! If your thinking, "I haven't heard God say anything lately" you are mistaken... we have 66 bible books and countless expositors regarding what God is saying to you. Could the reason you haven't heard Him say anything new possibly be because you aren't doing what He has already said? Possibly?
What is God saying to you? Whatever He says do, DO IT! And then, DO IT AGAIN! Don't worry about "HOW" or "WHY"... Only focus on "WHAT".
WHAT does God want from you in this season? WHAT does God want today? Even in this hour? Just DO IT and receive every blessing, every miracle and every provision that God has strategically laid on the road of your life to be discovered as you go!