The book of Matthew describes a critical point in Jesus' life where he had to undergo some serious testing to prepare for the work he was going to do. The 4th chapter details how Jesus went into the mountains for 40 days to complete the preparation process. This journey, according to the scripture, was specifically to deal with Satan's temptations as if Jesus couldn't go any further in his ministry until he spared toe to toe with the evil one himself.
On the mountain, Jesus entered an intense fasting period. After the fast, Jesus was faced with a very pressing issue: He was hungry, but there was only stones and rock around him. This is when Satan attacked Jesus with temptation,
"IF you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread... " Matthew 4:3
In essence, Satan was saying "... I know you're hungry. Now's the time to satisfy your need... Now's the time to do what you gotta do...
As Christians, we face this temptation all the time. The devil tries to exploit our human side because he views our flesh as our weakness. In fact, carnality is absolutely his preferred method of persuasion. We try to maintain a spiritual attitude but after a while, far too often we give in. Satan always depicts the situation in the simplest, most practical terms:
1.You have a need.
2.Why don't you do this: ___(fill in the blank)___?
Everyone of you will face this situation. If you are believing God for a new car, you will encounter doubt when you climb into your old one. If you're believing God for a house, you will be attacked by doubt as you unlock the door of your apartment. If you're believing God for success at weight loss or an improvement in your health, you're taunted by the scale when you walk passed and battle doubt with every new doctor's report.
And thats when Satan will present his appeal. He simply says why not get what you want an easier way? Why not do what seems practical to do, which may be only slightly different from what God wants you to do or maybe just untimely from what God wants you to do? In other words, why not have what you want when you want it? Why not satisfy your need?
The battle is a difficult one because, on the inside, your humanness agrees with him!
The devil makes it seem impractical to continue without the things you want for another day. He makes it seem like unnecessary abuse from God to make you live in your situation; live in poverty, experience hunger or deal with meager accommodations for one more moment. Eventually your human side pleads in harmony with Satan's temptation. They'll sing together,
"Why go through the motions for weeks, months and even years? IF you are a child of God, why are you suffering while God does nothing about it? Why don't you...
•Sell drugs...
•Use drugs...•Lie...
•Slip a little money out of the register...
•Have Sex with Him...
•Have Sex with Him for money...
•Kill Someone
•Kill Yourself
•etc... , ete...
Both Satan and your flesh scream to you everyday, "Turn the stone to bread! Quick, while God's not looking... " hoping you will take matters into your own hands. You can see the doubt he was trying to interject into Jesus in Matthew 4:3,
"... IF you are the Son of God... " Matthew 4:3
He says "IF" as if it were something which still remained to be seen. But just a little earlier, in Matthew 3:17 God Himself announced out loud,
Satan wants you to depend on yourself instead of having faith in the God who created you; the God who does all things well and has a master plan that will work everything out according to His timing. Satan wants to move you away from your faith and move you into operating by sight; the way the rest of this world operates.
Why? Because the evil one knows that the stronger your faith becomes, the stronger your relationship with God will be. Satan knows if you continue to trust God to provide your needs, you will receive new measures of faith which makes things worse for him. So, his strategy is to drive a wedge of doubt between God and you hoping eventually your flesh will cause you to stop believing God and start listening to him. Without faith, you are separated from God. Once your faith is broken, the devil's suggestions begin to sound less like sin and more like a practical solution to your problem.
Whenever you find yourself doing something that God did not say do to solve a problem, it means the devil's plan is working. Satan already knows who God is; but he needs you to forget. Any time you abandon your faith and cling to something else, even if it's something that looks spiritual, you are disconnected and vulnerable. The Apostle Paul said,
"... The just shall live by faith." Romans 1:17
The Just, or in other words, those who have been justified, are instructed to cling to their faith for life. Paul went further in Hebrew 11:1 saying that faith is our evidence for the things that we cannot yet see. Faith is the only evidence we can depend on, nothing else is credible.
To answer Satan's temptation, Jesus took the opportunity to point out that there is a bigger issue than our everyday hungers, desires and other practical matters at hand. Jesus told him,
"Man does not live by bread alone but by every Word of God... " Luke 4:4.
Physical and psychological issues are dramatic, but far more important is the issue facing our very soul that, if not addressed, could land us in a condition worse than hunger; worse than poverty; worse than meager accommodations. The issue facing our soul is an eternity in Hell. If I had to choose, (and we all do) I'd rather die of starvation but live eternity with Jesus than live "real big" on Earth then die and go to Hell.
When your tempted to do something other than what God has instructed in your situation, always remember:
Cling to your faith! Don't look for "another way" to get what you need or to prove that you are right about God. Stick to whatever God's Word says and let God show Himself strong. Don't make a move until God says GO. God will provide, but it will be on His terms and in His timing; not yours and definitely not Satan's.
"Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Romans 10:17
As you stick to the Word of God, more faith will "cometh" to fight your temptation and finally pass your test! Tell the devil he can keep the stones and the bread; the only thing you desperately need is every Word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
Your faith in God is your only real possession in this world. And, thank God, faith in the living Word is all you will ever need.