Tuesday, September 10, 2013


"... Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21
Everyone reading this should already be pretty familiar with the story of Moses. Moses was the one tasked with the job of bringing God's people out of their slavery in Egypt to a land which God promised to their forefathers. This story is important to study because we, just like the Children of Israel, have things we want God to do for us. Some reading this today are praying for freedom from a slavery of some sort. Many are praying for freedom from a bad health condition. Some need freedom from another type of bad situation. The fact is, everyone needs a level of "rescuing" at some point in their life. We all want God to "show up" and many face disastrous consequences if God fails to "move" quickly. The story of Moses is particularly inspiring because it shows how wonderful it is for us when God keeps His Word AND how terrible it is for our enemy when God "moves" on our behalf.
As the story goes, Moses went to Egypt and told the Egyptian King words from God, our King saying release the Children of Israel from slavery at once. Unfortunately, the Pharaoh was not immediately convinced that he should release his country's workforce. So, God used a series of plagues which nearly destroyed the country to convince him.
I want to talk about a portion of the story which doesn't often get mentioned. When the Egyptian Pharaoh realized he was up against the mighty hand of an Almighty God, he tried to bargain with Moses before releasing God's people. In his bargaining, the Pharaoh offered Moses different compromises. I want to talk about these compromises because, frankly, these compromises are being offered to the Church of the Living today. In biblical study, "Egypt" represents the world systems of greed, idolatry, constant plotting for "position" and lustfullness for wealth. God wants to free us from this "slavery" but compromise is far too widespread in the 21st Century church.

Compromise #1. "Serve God in Egypt"
In the 8th chapter of the book of Exodus, the Pharaoh made his first proposition to Moses,
"Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, "Go, and sacrifice to your God here in the land (Egypt)... " Exodus 8:25
In essence, the Pharaoh was telling Moses "Don't leave us... don't become a separate people... ", "Don't be a nation... "; "Stay here and serve your God in the midst of our gods and we will tolerate you ... "
This is happening in the Christian church today. The devil is convincing Christians (through media outlets) to serve God while still participating in the world's antics and lusts. Satan says don't leave your sinful nature behind; you can be Christian and at the same time enjoy the pleasures of the world system. Many Christians have fallen for this compromise; they refuse to separate.
The problem with this compromise is, when you remain connected to a situation which once held you hostage, the temptation to return to slavery is ever present. For example, a smoker who quits smoking but continues to go on smoke breaks with smokers will soon smoke again. An alcoholic who quits drinking but still "parties" with people who drink will soon drink again. The human psyche has the ability to find "comfort" in almost any condition. Therefore, even slavery can become a "comfort zone" for us that we are anxious to return to. This is also apparent later in the story of Moses. After the Israelites leave Egypt, they threaten to return to Egypt and beg for their position as slaves seemingly every day.
The devil wants us to remain as part of his world system so that he can continue to have access to us. He wants us to remain as his work force and build his pyramids until we die. But God wants us to be free so that we can be HIS separate nation and never return to our position as slaves again.

Compromise #2. "The men can go free, but leave the women and children with me"
Another compromise Pharaoh offered Moses was for him to only take the men out of Egypt,
"Pharaoh said, "Have only the men go and worship the Lord... " Exodus 10:10
This was a brilliant scheme by the Pharaoh. Releasing the men without any women or children would basically be a death sentence for Israel. The Pharaoh knew that without the women and children, the men would eventually grow old and die alone. Meanwhile the children who remained in Egypt would grow up as slaves and replace the men who were freed. And the women would give birth to a new generation of slaves (I'm certain the Egyptian men would volunteer to assist in this plot) so that the cycle could continue.
This compromise is happening in today's church; however, in this century, it seems the compromise has been reversed. Instead of the men of this country being freed, the men and children are being left in bondage and the women are being freed alone. According to national statistics, women outnumber men in church pews by 54% to as much as 75% in certain congregations. A recent USA TODAY survey reports that 77% of women say their faith is very important in their lives while less than 65% of men said the same. And woman are 20% to 25% more likely to attend a worship service weekly. Sadly, 31% of men say they never go to church at all.
My point is, women are evidently growing in the gospel at a greater rate than men. If this trend continues for another decade or two, it will become even more clear that women are being freed in droves; but our men are being left behind in all types of bondage. The terrible problem with this compromise is, women without men will eventually face the same issue that the Isralite men would have faced without their women. Women who are freed from bondage with only bound men to choose from will have no choice but to remain "married" to the slavery of their men; literally. And children born to these couples will continue to be predisposed to the bondage of their fathers.
Whether its men left behind or women left behind; either way, there is no free generation. And if you know the story of Moses, you know that the generation of Israelites who finally possesed the Promise Land was the generation born FREE, not the generation who was once slaves in Egypt.

Compromise #3. "Leave your treasures behind"
The last compromise offered to Moses was for the Israelites to go out of Egypt, but leave their important possessions behind,
"Go, worship the Lord. Even your women and children may go with you; only leave your flocks and herds behind." Exodus 10:25
This was another well-thoughtout plan by the Pharaoh. He attempted to send the Israelites out of Egypt practically empty handed so they would eventually have to come back.
This is happening in today's churches. People come to Christ; even bring their whole family. But everything that kept the family "alive" up till that moment is in the world. The family finds Christ, but their "treasures" remain in the world system so eventually they long to go back. The bible says in the book of Luke and in the 8th chapter of Matthew,
"... Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21
According to this passage, whatever you "treasure" is where your heart is. So if the things of this world is what you "treasure", even if you have Christ in your life, the world is where your heart is. And in that case, to separate from the world means to leave your heart behind.
You can tell when a Christian has left their heart behind in Egypt. They'll show up at church, but their heart is rarely in the service. They'll hear the choir sing but they'll be more concerned about where they parked than the songs. And when the Word of God is being preached, they'll be balancing their checkbook or texting someone who's not "stuck" in church as they feel they are.
Far too many Christians secretly "treasure" everything they left behind. They come to Jesus and literally feel empty; so they eventually return to the slavery they once knew because it is the only way they know to feel "alive".
This is a problem because God doesn't want your empty actions. He doesn't want you to go to church just so you can say you went to church. God wants your heart! If you will completely leave Egypt, you may feel empty at first; but then God will fill you with His Spirit. He will provide a new Life; one that is better than the life of a slave that you left behind! If you are willing to die to this world, God will renew you with a life that is better than any thing you or your parents imagined you would ever be living!

People of God, listen. The god of this world, the devil, knows you have a promise from the Almighty God of Abraham. And he knows that if you continue to be faithful, the Almighty God of Creation will bring you out of slavery to a place that your mother and father only dreamed about going. To stop this from happening, the enemy of God will present you with compromises. He will tell you not to leave your past behavior or your past lifestyle; just pretend you've left "Egypt" and serve God at the same time. Or he will take the pressure off of you seeing he's lost you; but then try to keep the rest of your family bound. Or he may taunt you with the attractiveness of this world until you do things you swore you would not do; all in an attempt to get you to finally return to serving him.
But remember, God wants you to be HIS. He is calling you out of this world to a new life outside of the clutches of the enemy.
"... You were dead in your sins which you lived when you followed the ways of this world and of the spirit (devil) who is now at work in those who are disobedient... We all lived among them gratifying the cravings of our flesh... But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us ALIVE with Christ"
Our God is greater than all of Egypt's imaginary gods. If you "die" to Egypt's greed, lustfulness and idolatry, God will make you ALIVE again in Christ. Offer the enemy of God NO COMPROMISE!
Before long, you will experience what God is capable of when He personally resolves your situation with His mighty hand. You will see your enemies fall with your own eyes as God moves on your behalf. And your story will be particularly inspiring to others when they hear about when God showed up for YOU!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Your Promise Land

After their exodus from Egypt, it took 40 years for the Children of Israel to acquire the land God promised to Abraham. The question I want to deal with today is this:
Why did it take so long? Why didn't God just bring them into their promise months after leaving Egypt?
I happen to know that this migration could have physically been accomplished in far less than 40 years. A crowd that large (over a million people) could still have arrived at their destination in under a year even if they traveled slow. So why would God allow His children to dwell in transition for almost half a century?
The reason becomes apparent when you realize the condition this group of people were in at the time. They were not yet the strong and fearless nation they would become. At that time, they were a multitude attempting to move from the captivity of their past into a land of promise while severely lacking faith in God. They were not patient. They murmured and complained all the time about everything. They even accused Moses of sabotage and blamed him for their struggles. In fact, many of them were so faithless and distrustful that they would rather have gone back into captivity then to march towards a promise land. And worst of all, they repeatedly spoke against God.
They were not yet the triumphant, faithful, and methodical Nation of God's chosen people who we recognize today as the Jews. Instead, they were an unhappy, ungrateful, rebellious, and coward nation of former slaves questioning Moses' leadership and doubting God's provision; many of whom were anxiously awaiting death.
God did not allow them to walk directly from Egypt into Canaan simply because they were in no way ready to possess the things He promised to their forefathers. The book of Exodus says specifically that if they entered at that time they would be slaughtered by the lands current occupants.
They did not have the character to survive in the promised land. They needed to be strengthened; they needed proving; they had to be staged; cured; forged; and qualified. Therefore, before they could arrive at Canaan, they had to travel through a testing ground. They had to be broken and rebuilt in the wilderness. It was in the wilderness that the Children of Israel became sturdy, reliable, and useful to God. When the time came, they left the wilderness as a new nation. They were finally able to march around the land of Edom and cross territory after territory conquering every Kings army that was sent against them. They possessed every new land that they reached and built a proud nation that still stands today. The Nation of Israel became fearless, seasoned, and passionate about the God of Abraham (at least, for a while).
They weren't perfect, but they were greater than ever before and fully qualified to posses the promise that God made to their nation.
As Christians, we are all expecting a future where God will bless us in a miraculous way. We are praying that God bring us out of bondage, through our transitional "wilderness" period and into a wealthy place where we can rest in green pastures and drink from still waters, as He promised us he would do (23 Psalms).
However, most of us are not ready for the challenges and new responsibilities that our promises from God will hold. We are focused on a spectacular goal which God has placed within our reach, but many have not spent quality time becoming equipped for this future we so desperately desire. Many Christians go to church but only out of tradition. We won't grow our faith, aren't offering God obedience, are decidedly unhappy, ungrateful, rebellious, and even behave cowardicely. We don't want to "change", we just want to "arrive"; and preferably only months (no more than a year) after starting our quest.
We don't realize there will be opposition to face. Our adversary stands in the area where we are headed waiting to drive us away from our new ground back to captivity; not just once, but time after time. And because of the opposition (described by Jesus as a "roaring lion"), our promises remain 5, 10, 20 and for some, 40 years away. Many Christians are stranded in the training ground because we refuse to prepare for the place God has prepared for us to go.
To walk into your promise, you must be spiritually equipped to survive under the new pressure of what you will become or the new opposition will slaughter you quickly. Acquiring that house; that job; that car; that weight goal; that business; or that spouse is only half of the challenge. The true and far greater battle begins once you receive your promise. It is then that your training, your preparation, and your testing will come into play. And because of this, those who live their life without becoming spiritually prepared for a new season will spend the rest of their life blaming God or blaming their Pastor for an extended wilderness only to grow old and die never reaching their promised land.
A NEW MIND SETTING: When the children of Israel left Egypt, they were a cursed-thinking generation. Having been in slavery for so long, they expected the worst in every situation. Even after witnessing some of the greatest miracles recorded in the bible, they remained doubtful and ready to turn back in what seemed like days after the miracle. They had no faith. If God would have brought them to face the Canaanites in that condition, they would have been slaughtered quickly. The Children of Israel could not conceive what God had laid before them.
So what happened to correct this? The entire cursed-thinking generation who left Egypt died in the wilderness and a new hopeful generation was born.
This is the answer for you as well. You have to let your entire former mind-set die and allow a new way of thinking to be born. The Apostle Paul says,
"... be transformed (changed) BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND". Romans 12:2
To reach your promise land, you can no longer conform to your old way of thinking. It's time to let go of your minds old attitude about life and renew your mind! This same verse in Romans proclaims that if you renew your mind, you will
"..prove what the good and acceptable will of God is" Romans 12:3
You will prove to your neighbors who see you; prove to those who knew you when you were a slave; and most importantly, prove to yourself that God has a perfect plan for you!! Let go of old, cursed thinking and walk into perfection!
Moses had a group of people attached to him that carried a lot of baggage. He constantly had to petition God on their behalf because of the bad behaviors they intinctively resorted to. Decades passed and Moses still did not see the spiritual progress that he knew would be necessary for the battles ahead. God was leading them to a new level of promise and with this promise was a new level of responsibility that they were slow in preparing for. Unfortunately, Moses became frustrated and in anger, was disobedient to God which caused him to be banned from the promise land. In the end, Moses only saw the land from the distance of their proving ground.
You may be persistently seeking God's direction in preparation of your promise, but carrying baggage that will cause problems so therefore, you can not arrive. Maybe you have anger issues that prevent you from being patient at times where you should be. Maybe you have infidelity issues that keep you from being trustworthy. Or perhaps you are ready to walk into your DESTINY, but carrying certain people with you who are faithless and murmuring. Maybe you can't enter because of THEIR baggage; THEY aren't ready for your promised land.
It is a terrible thought to be banned from what you've worked so hard and so long to acquire. So don't let it happen to you! UNLOAD THAT BAGGAGE! There is no way you will reach your promise carrying a bunch of negative garbage from your past to remind you of where you came from. Whether its negative attitudes, or just a negative outlook, UNLOAD IT. If negative people are weighing you down, UNLOAD THEM and do it quickly! Unload people who have attached themselves to you who have no faith, no spiritual strength and are constantly speaking against your vision and against God; they are the worst kind of baggage. Carrying them is guaranteed to make you weaker and weaker.
God is mighty enough to deliver you to your promise in a moment's time; but He loves you too much to take you to a place where you will be slaughtered. God, as part of His responsibility to protect you, refuses to put on your shoulders something that will inevitably destroy you because of a "bad heart" condition (meaning, lack of character). But, if you keep growing, learn faithfulness, learn patience, learn peace, learn kindness, learn to Love, learn to practice goodness (instead of evilness) and learn self-control; then, when the time comes, if you remain faithful, God will lift you out of your lengthy wilderness/training ground and guide you into your promised land where you will dwell in peace and for the rest of your life be fed (Psalms 37)!

God Vs. Mega Millions

I've got a simple question that I want you to answer. It's a question Christians aren't always honest about, but I'm hoping you're willing to tell the truth today (at least in your own mind). The question is this:
If you HAD to choose between these two options, which would you choose?
A). A Closer Relationship with God
B). The Biggest Mega Million's Jackpot in History
Don't answer quickly... I want you to really think about it. Imagine I'm standing in your doorway holding a ticket with 6 out of 6 of the winning numbers to the next Mega Million's drawing. Or better yet, let's say I've already collected the cash value for you. I'm at your door with roughly 200 Hefty bags stuffed to capacity with banded stacks of $100 bills. But the deal is, I'll only give you the winnings if you give me your bible, delete all bible apps, trash any concordances you have and solemnly swear to never study the Word of God again.
So tell me... would you choose God or the money? I mean this literally; if I was at your doorstep right now with this deal, would you choose to continue growing your relationship with God or would you choose to become an instant multimillionaire?
Now, the standard "Churchdom" response to this question is: "I'd rather have Jesus than all the money in the world... " followed by a quote of scripture such as Mark 8 which says: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul... "
That response sounds so spiritual; so pristine, but, unfortunately, that's not actually the response many of us would give. According to population statistics, sales statewide would fall drastically if Christians, who make up over 75% of the American adult population, were not really interested in winning the Lotto. But, according to the World Lottery Association, sales have reached an all-time high of over $4.3 billion. Simple mathematics says that, in order to reach record high figures, Christians must actually be trying just as desperately as their neighbors to win that money.
Which means many Christians, if staring at 200 bags of crisp $100 bills (roughly 600 pounds of money) and faced with this deal would NOT say,
"Go away... I don't play Lotto... "
Instead, they would kiss their bible goodbye and frantically pull those bags into their house before someone sees them.
And that shouldn't startle anyone; I mean, what's wrong with wanting the life of a multimillionaire? Isn't the popular doctrine at church nowadays "God wants every believer to be rich"? Doesn't every evangelist on TV say "Your blessing is coming RIGHT NOW! THIS AFTERNOON! EASTERN TIME; NOT PACIFIC!" I actually heard a gospel song on the radio say "God is going to work a miracle by the end of this song... " I said to myself, "Is that where we are today? All we can give God is 4 minutes and 46 seconds to work out our situation? What if he doesn't? I guess we'll have to keep playing Lottery... "
I'm not saying Christians shouldn't want wealth. Every adult person should have a good, sound financial plan for their future well being and those who do not will starve (or generate an excessive amount of debt). But, I do have to share some bad news. The bad news is,
NO, God isn't going to miraculously make every Christian wealthy!
Jesus said the poor will always be among us (Matthew 26:11). Don't assume he was only referring to non-believers. The truth is, some will be rich and some will not; and that's just how it is. For those who are rich, God expects them not to be arrogant or put their hope in their wealth; but do good deeds and put their faith in God (1 Timothy 6:17-18). For those who are not rich, God expects contentment,
"We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it... if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that" 1 Timothy 6:7-8
But God is not preoccupied with commerce, marketing, product sales, material goods and "wealth transference" the way His believers seem to be. God places wealth in the hands of His believers basically for "Kingdom Building" and "Nationhood"; but not for "Decadence". Wealth makes us a "Nation", but in God's "Nation" everybody has a different role. God's plan has many positions and many different levels of wealth for His people to relegate. And although everyone is volunteering for the same high-up positions, our role in the "Kingdom" is honestly determined by the King.
Jesus seemed to be offended by a crowd's desperation to have him satisfy their desires. It was the day after Jesus fed a multitude which was between 10,000 to as many as 30,000 people (5,000 men plus women and children) in size with two fish and 5 loaves of bread. After the miracle, the multitude traveled by foot all the way to Capernaum looking for Jesus. When they found him, Jesus told them,
"... you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ATE THE LOAVES and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which I will give you... " John 6:26
According to Jesus, this crowd who "ATE THE LOAVES" was more concerned with their bellies than the eternal life which he came to give. Jesus told them not to work to satisfy their physical desires; do work which "endures" to eternal life instead. When the crowd asked Jesus "what work" is he referring to, here are a few things that Jesus DID NOT say:
  • "Work to gain more wealth... "
  • "Get Rich or Die Trying... "
  • "Become wealthy by any means necessary... "
  • "Work hard to drive the nicest car to Church... "
  • "Work to have a bigger church than your neighbors (one with Wi Fi capability and an ATM... )"
He told them,
"The work of God is this: Believe in the one He has sent." John 6:29
I wonder how God must feel watching His people salivate every week over the prospect of winning the Lottery. I wonder how God feels having offered us Jesus as the answer to this world's situation; then having to watch us as we seek money as if it were the only answer we are really interested in. I wonder how God feels knowing most of His believers are just as desperate as the rest of the world for that obsessively large amount of money displayed on the digital sign in the window of Seven-Eleven.
As I said earlier, Christians aren't always honest about it, but many of us are worshipping money as if it were a god while ignoring "THE" God who made us. We're treating money as if it had miraculous power when all the money in the world has no real power at all (except in our minds). Money can fill our "bellies", but it can't go to Children's Hospital and heal anybody. Money can satisfy our desires, but it can't cure AIDS or cancer.
However, "THE" God of Abraham can satisfy us with long life; not just food and shelter. And He has the power to cure every disease and empty every hospital bed in the world.
Bottom line, if you have the faith within you to believe that God's plan is to bless you financially to the extent where you live in a place of financial overflow, then by all means, continue to believe (and you should already see God moving you in that direction legally, not illegally). But if God doesn't move you to great wealth, you should not be anxiously awaiting six randomly selected numbers to do for you what God has not decided should be done.
Mega Millions is a game of chance; meaning you can choose to play, but you can't choose to win. However, a relationship with God is something you CAN choose right now. You can choose to get closer to "THE" God who made you. You can choose to finally use that bible app and study about Him (perhaps even more often than once a week). You can choose to learn how God gave His Son Jesus Christ to die on our behalf, and then raised Him from the grave as a sign that our salvation is complete. And you can choose to do this whether you receive a ridiculous amount of money or not.
You can choose right now to begin to grow your relationship with God because God is indeed more valuable, more essential and more beneficial to have in your life than all of the Mega Million's Jackpots that have ever been paid out in the history of this country combined!

Death and LIFE

"The mind of sinful man is DEATH, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE and peace... " (Romans 8:6).

Some spiritual concepts, usually the ones which seem so simplistic are in actuality the most complex and by far the most crucial to understand. The relation between Death and LIFE is one of those concepts; but it is impossible to comprehend the relation until one fact is clear: YOU DO NOT BECOME A SPIRIT AFTER YOU DIE, as some believe. The fact is you are a Spirit RIGHT NOW.

You are already a Spirit even as you sit reading this. You are a Spirit who resides in the comforts of a flesh and blood human body. Your body was custom-made through a nine-month long incubation process specifically for you to inhabit. Another way to look at it is to consider that the flesh and blood sitting in your chair, typing on your computer and using your mouse is possessed by a God-manufactured Spirit named YOU (whichever way draws a clearer picture).

Now that I've made that clear, I can reveal to you that you, a Spirit, are involved in a power struggle. In fact, it is more than a mere struggle; it's an intense WAR. This war is quite literally the battle of your human existence and it is waged between two powerful spiritual forces that are related, as I mentioned above: Death and LIFE. Since you've chosen to read this article, the latter of the two is likely winning the fight. But pay close attention; understanding the relationship between these two forces can potentially save your LIFE.


The positive of the two forces, LIFE, comes directly from God. It is purely spiritual, yet it convenes with you on both a spiritual and physical level. In Greek, the word used to describe LIFE is "ZOE" which means "complete life; i.e. life as God originally gave it". The book "Grammar of the New Testament Greek" by G. Milligan defines "ZOE" as "Life in its absolute sense... " and further "... Life as God has in Himself." When God breathed into mans nostrils, He breathed a powerful spiritual force in its absolute sense. This force we call LIFE not only is from God; it is GOD.

LIFE is a supernatural power whose job is to bring "unification". LIFE is what unites your spirit with your body. LIFE unites an idea with the resources to accomplish that idea. LIFE brings a goal from being in "view" into reality. When LIFE is present, we place the label "Live" on the container which houses it and refer to whatever it is as being "A-live" until it no longer shows signs of LIFE.


The negative force is DEATH. This force is also a spiritual force that interacts with both your spiritual and physical being. But this force is the exact opposite of LIFE. This force is a power that separates. DEATH's power is to sever processes within you. DEATH specifically attacks those processes that were meant to empower you. For example, DEATH is attacking your physical body's functionality right now. It is slowly severing your body's ability to regenerate itself. DEATH can assault a mental process such as one to strengthen the body in a certain area. DEATH interferes with thought processes as well. It's been said that DEATH has captured some of the world's greatest ideas. DEATH can sever a process as mundane as a routine to keep one's teeth free of plaque to avoid decay.

When DEATH conquers a thing, we consider that thing "Dead". Eventually, this powerful force will end your LIFE physically separating your Spirit from this world completely. But the ultimate goal of this force is not to end your physical life; it wants to end your life spiritually by separating you eternally from your maker, the GOD of all creation.


These two spiritual powers are in conflict at every moment. They are seeking, reaching, urging, persuading and pulling for the soul that is YOU! They are pressuring you; each wants your interest; each wants your fellowship; each wants to win you from the clutches of the other. You stand divided in-between the two both day and night.

This war has been waged since the creation of mankind and continues to this day with advocates on either side beckoning the spirit of your soul to submit to LIFE, or surrender forever to DEATH. The war is fought almost entirely by the decisions you make; specifically, decisions surrounding one critical emotion: Desire.

Desire is rooted deep inside of your flesh; right down to the core of your heart. The reason desire is so deeply rooted is because flesh is not a "spiritual" force; that is to say flesh is not spiritual. It knows nothing but needs and wants. It does not reason, it only begs everyday for satisfaction. Essentially, your flesh wants to feel good and never feel bad (which is another fact that is so elementary, bible study groups neglect to point it out).

Desire is the key component in the war because at times it can be more influential than anything else the body experiences (some would argue it is indeed more influential than pain). Desire can make you do what you've consciously decided not to do. Some admit proudly that they have dedicated their life to the pursuit of what they desire. For them, satisfying desire is their only agenda. When someone is totally devoted to their desires, that person often uses the power of DEATH to satisfy their flesh; because, coincidentally, nothing but nothing satisfies human flesh like DEATH.

You probably raised an eyebrow just then, but it's true and it's no secret. You see, desire is really an attempt to release endorphins in the brain. An exciting activity; a happy situation; a positive outcome; being loved; making love; all these things release endorphins which the brain recognizes as pleasure. You actually need pleasure endorphins to release periodically for the health of your psyche. The brain's inability to naturally release pleasurable endorphins is a condition known as clinical depression. But, human flesh desires access to pleasure endorphins at every moment. When this pursuit to release pleasure endorphins goes beyond the "hosts" control, it is a condition known as chemical addition.

What I meant by "nothing can satisfy flesh like DEATH" is nothing can release those pleasure endorphins faster and in greater amounts than activities related to DEATH. Being in a "risky" relationship, bungee-jumping over concrete or racing down a public highway can trigger an adrenaline rush far greater than reading a book about such activities. The satisfaction of biting into a fresh, crisp apple pales in comparison to the smooth sensation of a nicotine rush to a smoker. An indulgent "Thanksgiving" size dinner full of empty calories is so pleasurable it can leave partakers with grins for almost an hour after the feast. But the blissful utopian state an addict enters when he injects his preferred drug leaves him unresponsive to the point of near comatose for half a day.

You can act as if you have no idea what I'm talking about; but I know you can relate. Maybe you've never killed brain cells with a narcotic or puffed the end of a cigarette. Maybe you've never even tasted a single drop of liquor. But you HAVE tasted a rush of endorphins and I doubt it came from doing something spiritual. You've enjoyed a "vice" somewhere in your past and those who say they have not are clearly struggling with the guilty pleasure of lying.

My point is you know the delectable satisfaction of DEATH. You know the instant gratification this tool has in it. Access is always easy and the effects are always pleasurable. DEATH is so easy and so pleasurable that one can completely ignore its long-term effects as they consume it.

But the long-term effects are separation. DEATH severs processes that have begun within you. Households; relationships; entire futures can be severed by DEATH. Worse, if you continue to indulge, DEATH will take you down a path that ends in spiritual DEATH; complete and utter separation from GOD for eternity; otherwise known as Hell. Satisfying desires with DEATH can lead to the ultimate Death of one's soul.


Romans 8:6 says,

"The mind of sinful man is DEATH, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is LIFE and peace... "

You have to choose: LIFE or DEATH? I mean this literally. You have to look at what you are doing moment by moment and decide, "Is this in the arena of LIFE, or is it dragging me to an area full of DEATH?"

Here's how to judge your life. Imagine there was a giant scale and you could somehow put all of your activities that supported your desires on one side and all of your activities involving things such as purpose, responsibility, faith, etc. on the other. Which side of the scale would instantly slam to the floor drastically out weighing the other?

Also, judge your environment. How much LIFE and how much DEATH do you have in your surroundings? How many items in your house promote LIFE and how many are of DEATH? Is there a gun or illegal possessions in your home? What themes are the most prominent in the music you listen to? How about your close friends? How many DEATH habits do they have? How about your job? Are the people you frequently associate with completely consumed by LIFE or DEATH?

Want another indicator? Look carefully at what you have been saying. In a rough percentage, compare how much of your talk is bright, vibrant and full of LIFE verses the amount that is negative, distasteful, rude and clearly obsessed with processes that are DEAD?

I don't know exactly what elements are in every person's life, but I can tell you this; if you smoke, you've got DEATH in your life. If you drink liquor excessively, you've got DEATH in your life. If you eat saturated fats excessively, you've got DEATH in your life. If a portion of your income comes from an illegal source, you've got DEATH in your life. If you're in a sexual relationship with someone who is in other sexual relationships, you've got DEATH in your life. Truth be told, every person reading this has some DEATH hidden in a closet somewhere.

The real question is how much DEATH is too much?

That's easy. The next time you go to a funeral check out the person in the casket. That person has experienced too much DEATH. Every process within that person has come to an end. They are completely and utterly separated mentally and physically from this Earthly realm. But if that person had a relationship with Jesus Christ, they are not separated from their maker spiritually. (Romans 5:17).

Many of us must look at this subject seriously... and soon. Because we are walking around with way too much DEATH in our life and eventually; one day; one hour DEATH is going to win the battle! Do not be one of those who are intelligent enough to recognize the DEATH in their life but don't have the will power to do anything about it. Start appreciating the value of LIFE and begin the process of choosing LIFE over DEATH with every decision. Chose LIFE on a consistent base beginning NOW and you will witness what living a life full of LIFE can do for YOU.

Look up Galatians 5:16; it tells exactly how to choose LIFE in every situation!