"... Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21
Everyone reading this should already be pretty familiar with the story of Moses. Moses was the one tasked with the job of bringing God's people out of their slavery in Egypt to a land which God promised to their forefathers. This story is important to study because we, just like the Children of Israel, have things we want God to do for us. Some reading this today are praying for freedom from a slavery of some sort. Many are praying for freedom from a bad health condition. Some need freedom from another type of bad situation. The fact is, everyone needs a level of "rescuing" at some point in their life. We all want God to "show up" and many face disastrous consequences if God fails to "move" quickly. The story of Moses is particularly inspiring because it shows how wonderful it is for us when God keeps His Word AND how terrible it is for our enemy when God "moves" on our behalf.
As the story goes, Moses went to Egypt and told the Egyptian King words from God, our King saying release the Children of Israel from slavery at once. Unfortunately, the Pharaoh was not immediately convinced that he should release his country's workforce. So, God used a series of plagues which nearly destroyed the country to convince him.
I want to talk about a portion of the story which doesn't often get mentioned. When the Egyptian Pharaoh realized he was up against the mighty hand of an Almighty God, he tried to bargain with Moses before releasing God's people. In his bargaining, the Pharaoh offered Moses different compromises. I want to talk about these compromises because, frankly, these compromises are being offered to the Church of the Living today. In biblical study, "Egypt" represents the world systems of greed, idolatry, constant plotting for "position" and lustfullness for wealth. God wants to free us from this "slavery" but compromise is far too widespread in the 21st Century church.
Compromise #1. "Serve God in Egypt"
In the 8th chapter of the book of Exodus, the Pharaoh made his first proposition to Moses,
"Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, "Go, and sacrifice to your God here in the land (Egypt)... " Exodus 8:25
In essence, the Pharaoh was telling Moses "Don't leave us... don't become a separate people... ", "Don't be a nation... "; "Stay here and serve your God in the midst of our gods and we will tolerate you ... "
This is happening in the Christian church today. The devil is convincing Christians (through media outlets) to serve God while still participating in the world's antics and lusts. Satan says don't leave your sinful nature behind; you can be Christian and at the same time enjoy the pleasures of the world system. Many Christians have fallen for this compromise; they refuse to separate.
The problem with this compromise is, when you remain connected to a situation which once held you hostage, the temptation to return to slavery is ever present. For example, a smoker who quits smoking but continues to go on smoke breaks with smokers will soon smoke again. An alcoholic who quits drinking but still "parties" with people who drink will soon drink again. The human psyche has the ability to find "comfort" in almost any condition. Therefore, even slavery can become a "comfort zone" for us that we are anxious to return to. This is also apparent later in the story of Moses. After the Israelites leave Egypt, they threaten to return to Egypt and beg for their position as slaves seemingly every day.
The devil wants us to remain as part of his world system so that he can continue to have access to us. He wants us to remain as his work force and build his pyramids until we die. But God wants us to be free so that we can be HIS separate nation and never return to our position as slaves again.
Compromise #2. "The men can go free, but leave the women and children with me"
Another compromise Pharaoh offered Moses was for him to only take the men out of Egypt,
"Pharaoh said, "Have only the men go and worship the Lord... " Exodus 10:10
This was a brilliant scheme by the Pharaoh. Releasing the men without any women or children would basically be a death sentence for Israel. The Pharaoh knew that without the women and children, the men would eventually grow old and die alone. Meanwhile the children who remained in Egypt would grow up as slaves and replace the men who were freed. And the women would give birth to a new generation of slaves (I'm certain the Egyptian men would volunteer to assist in this plot) so that the cycle could continue.
This compromise is happening in today's church; however, in this century, it seems the compromise has been reversed. Instead of the men of this country being freed, the men and children are being left in bondage and the women are being freed alone. According to national statistics, women outnumber men in church pews by 54% to as much as 75% in certain congregations. A recent USA TODAY survey reports that 77% of women say their faith is very important in their lives while less than 65% of men said the same. And woman are 20% to 25% more likely to attend a worship service weekly. Sadly, 31% of men say they never go to church at all.
My point is, women are evidently growing in the gospel at a greater rate than men. If this trend continues for another decade or two, it will become even more clear that women are being freed in droves; but our men are being left behind in all types of bondage. The terrible problem with this compromise is, women without men will eventually face the same issue that the Isralite men would have faced without their women. Women who are freed from bondage with only bound men to choose from will have no choice but to remain "married" to the slavery of their men; literally. And children born to these couples will continue to be predisposed to the bondage of their fathers.
Whether its men left behind or women left behind; either way, there is no free generation. And if you know the story of Moses, you know that the generation of Israelites who finally possesed the Promise Land was the generation born FREE, not the generation who was once slaves in Egypt.
Compromise #3. "Leave your treasures behind"
The last compromise offered to Moses was for the Israelites to go out of Egypt, but leave their important possessions behind,
"Go, worship the Lord. Even your women and children may go with you; only leave your flocks and herds behind." Exodus 10:25
This was another well-thoughtout plan by the Pharaoh. He attempted to send the Israelites out of Egypt practically empty handed so they would eventually have to come back.
This is happening in today's churches. People come to Christ; even bring their whole family. But everything that kept the family "alive" up till that moment is in the world. The family finds Christ, but their "treasures" remain in the world system so eventually they long to go back. The bible says in the book of Luke and in the 8th chapter of Matthew,
"... Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21
According to this passage, whatever you "treasure" is where your heart is. So if the things of this world is what you "treasure", even if you have Christ in your life, the world is where your heart is. And in that case, to separate from the world means to leave your heart behind.
You can tell when a Christian has left their heart behind in Egypt. They'll show up at church, but their heart is rarely in the service. They'll hear the choir sing but they'll be more concerned about where they parked than the songs. And when the Word of God is being preached, they'll be balancing their checkbook or texting someone who's not "stuck" in church as they feel they are.
Far too many Christians secretly "treasure" everything they left behind. They come to Jesus and literally feel empty; so they eventually return to the slavery they once knew because it is the only way they know to feel "alive".
This is a problem because God doesn't want your empty actions. He doesn't want you to go to church just so you can say you went to church. God wants your heart! If you will completely leave Egypt, you may feel empty at first; but then God will fill you with His Spirit. He will provide a new Life; one that is better than the life of a slave that you left behind! If you are willing to die to this world, God will renew you with a life that is better than any thing you or your parents imagined you would ever be living!
People of God, listen. The god of this world, the devil, knows you have a promise from the Almighty God of Abraham. And he knows that if you continue to be faithful, the Almighty God of Creation will bring you out of slavery to a place that your mother and father only dreamed about going. To stop this from happening, the enemy of God will present you with compromises. He will tell you not to leave your past behavior or your past lifestyle; just pretend you've left "Egypt" and serve God at the same time. Or he will take the pressure off of you seeing he's lost you; but then try to keep the rest of your family bound. Or he may taunt you with the attractiveness of this world until you do things you swore you would not do; all in an attempt to get you to finally return to serving him.
But remember, God wants you to be HIS. He is calling you out of this world to a new life outside of the clutches of the enemy.
"... You were dead in your sins which you lived when you followed the ways of this world and of the spirit (devil) who is now at work in those who are disobedient... We all lived among them gratifying the cravings of our flesh... But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us ALIVE with Christ"
Our God is greater than all of Egypt's imaginary gods. If you "die" to Egypt's greed, lustfulness and idolatry, God will make you ALIVE again in Christ. Offer the enemy of God NO COMPROMISE!
Before long, you will experience what God is capable of when He personally resolves your situation with His mighty hand. You will see your enemies fall with your own eyes as God moves on your behalf. And your story will be particularly inspiring to others when they hear about when God showed up for YOU!